Our Services:

Risk Management / Protection Planning

We can’t predict the future but we can plan for it. The biggest threat to achieving your financial objectives for you and your family is illness, disability or death. Many people do not fully realise the financial impact that an unexpected serious illness, injury or premature death can have on a family or on a business. The unfortunate reality is that these events occur every day and the financial impact can be enormous and long lasting. Having an appropriate protection plan in place provides the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have protected the things that are most important to you.

We believe that your financial ambitions should not necessarily end on diagnosis of an illness or disability. Thankfully this doesn’t have to be the case and there are cost efficient options available to minimise these financial risks for you and your family.

Our approach

Protection planning forms a key part of our comprehensive financial planning process. In the context of your overall financial objectives and unique circumstances we analyse your protection needs on an annual basis. Our approach ensures that our clients have:

  • the right types of cover.
  • the correct level of cover.
  • the most cost effective cover.
  • the most tax efficient structure.

How much protection is required?

Everyone has unique circumstances and objectives therefore the type and level of cover needed will vary depending on each case. As circumstances change so too will the protection recommendation. For a relatively small cost each month, you can put a protection plan in place to ensure that you, your family and/or business is protected in the unfortunate event of ill health, disability or untimely death.

The main factors which determine the appropriate type and level of protection needed include:

  • Your age.
  • Whether or not you have any dependents.
  • Your income.
  • Your financial target date and the period you actually need cover for.
  • Your level of borrowings.
  • The amount and type of existing savings/asset base you have.
  • Whether or not you have any existing cover in place.
  • The lump sum amount you’d like (or the minimum needed) your family to receive to provide security through a difficult period.
  • The regular income your family would need to maintain their current lifestyle.

Types of Cover

There are three basic threats that that protection can help counter financially – serious illness, long term disability and death. There are a myriad of protection options available to protect you, your family and/or your business against these very real risks.

We have summarised these options below:

Income Protection »

Serious Illness Cover »

Life Assurance »

Business Protection »

Inheritance »